Selbermach Samstag 286 (18.04.2020)

Welche Themen interessieren euch, welche Studien fandet ihr besonders interessant in der Woche, welche Neuigkeiten gibt es, die interessant für eine Diskussion wären und was beschäftigt euch gerade?

Welche interessanten Artikel gibt es auf euren Blogs? (Schamlose Eigenwerbung ist gerne gesehen!)

Welche Artikel fandet ihr in anderen Blogs besonders lesenswert?

Welches Thema sollte noch im Blog diskutiert werden?

Für das Flüchtlingsthema oder für Israel etc gibt es andere Blogs

Ich erinnere auch noch mal an Alles Evolution auf Twitter und auf Facebook.

Es wäre nett, wenn ihr Artikel auf den sozialen Netzwerken verbreiten würdet.

Wer mal einen Gastartikel schreiben möchte, auch gerne einen feministischen oder sonst zu hier geäußerten Ansichten kritischen, der ist dazu herzlich eingeladen


Im Feminismus scheint einer Form der Opfermentalität stark verbreitet. Hier mal ein paar typische Merkmale einer solchen:

The desire of empathy is crucial in that the mere experience of a harmful event is not enough for the emergence of the sense of being a victim. In order to have this sense, there is the need to perceive the harm as undeserved, unjust and immoral, an act that could not be prevented by the victim. The need to obtain empathy and understanding can then emerge.[7]

Individuals harbouring a victim mentality would believe that:[1]

  • their lives are a series of challenges directly aimed at them;
  • most aspects of life are negative and beyond their control;
  • because of the challenges in their lives, they deserve sympathy;
  • as they have little power to change things, little action should be taken to improve their problems.

Victim mentality is often the product of violence. Those who have it usually had an experience(s) of crisis and/or trauma at its roots.[8] In essence, it is a method of avoiding responsibility and criticism, receiving attention and compassion, and evading feelings of genuine anger.


A victim mentality may manifest itself in a range of different behaviours or ways of thinking and talking:

  • Identifying others as the cause for an undesired situation and denying a personal responsibility for one’s own life or circumstances.[9]
  • Exhibiting heightened attention levels (hypervigilance) when in the presence of others.
  • Awareness of negative intentions of other people.
  • Believing that other people are generally more fortunate.
  • Gaining relief from feeling empathy for oneself or receiving empathy from others.

It has been typically characterized by attitudes of pessimismself-pity, and repressed anger.[10] People with victim mentality may develop convincing and sophisticated explanations in support of such ideas, which they then use to explain to themselves and others of their situation.

People with victim mentality may also be generally:

  • realist, with a general tendency to realistically perceive a situation; yet may lack an awareness and/or curiosity about the root of actual powerlessness in a situation[11]
  • introspective
  • likely to display entitlement and selfishness.[12]
  • defensive: In conversation, reading a negative intention into a neutral question and reacting with a corresponding accusation, hindering the collective solution of problems by recognizing the inherent conflict.
  • categorizing: tending to divide people into „good“ and „bad“ with no gray zone between them.[9]
  • unadventurous: generally unwilling to take even small and calculated risks; exaggerating the importance or likelihood of possible negative outcomes.
  • exhibiting learned helplessness: underestimating one’s ability or influence in a given situation; feeling powerless.
  • self-abasing: Putting oneself down even further than others are doing.

A victim mentality may be reflected by linguistic markers or habits, such as pretending

  • not to be able to do something („I can’t…“),
  • not to have choices („I must…“) („I have no choice…“), or
  • epistemological humility („I don’t know“).

Was seht ihr da im Feminismus (und im Maskulismus)?