„Ich bin Feministin und ich hasse Männer“

Bei Feministing gibt es in dem offenen Bereich einen „Leserbeitrag“, also keinen Beitrag der „offiziellen Schreiber“, in dem sich die dortige Autorin zum Männerhass bekennt:

I admit it–I’m a feminist who hates men. I feel nothing but revulsion, disgust, and distrust for men. I’m that type of woman everyone makes stereotypical jokes about.

I haven’t always hated men. I used to have a high sex drive, and I wanted to get married and have children and a family of my own just like everyone else I knew. In fact, deep down I still wish I could do those things. But I know that just won’t be possible. I didn’t start hating men because I was a feminist who was angry at men for having more rights and privileges than me or because I think women are better than men.  I began hating them because they outright HURT me. Really badly. They have betrayed my trust and damaged my sense of dignity in the worst ways possible. One trusted male friend of mine who I had known for ten years suddenly put drugs in my beverage one evening in an attempt to take advantage of me. When his plan failed because he didn’t put enough drugs in my drink to completely knock me unconscious, he suddenly stopped speaking to me. (Not that I missed his company after I finally realized what he had done.) Another trusted male friend of mine who I had known for many years took advantage of me by suddenly telling me that he had had feelings for me for the past ten years. We had confided to each other often about things going on in our lives, and he told me that if I gave him the chance to date me I would never have to feel sad or hurt ever again. Of course I trusted him, because he was an old friend who I could talk to about anything. Well as soon as we finally slept together for the first time ever, he suddenly and immediately turned on me overnight. He suddenly went from being a friend who cared about me to laughing and bragging to everyone about what a “good lay” I was, calling me a “trick”,  and even telling meWe were never really friends, I just thought you’d be a good lay and I was right. And I was gonna wait as long as it took to get you.” Then he ran off and slept with literally one woman after another after another after another…MULTIPLE  women, some of them other men’s wives & girlfriends…using NO protection. At one point, half a dozen 40-year-old divorced single moms (he’s 28) all thought he was their serious “boyfriend”, unaware that he was making the rounds “servicing” other women all over town. Now he has a couple of illegitimate kids from these reckless liasons (and he isn’t involved in ANY of these children’s lives). At that point, I was no longer a person or even a human being anymore; I was just an object. I was no  better than all the hundreds of other unsuspecting women he had slept with. I was just a dumb fool who got used and tossed aside: a joke.  The utter shock, pain, and humiliation I endured from him doing this to me was unbearable. I realized then that if I couldn’t trust my own friends whom I had known for a decade or longer, then I really couldn’t trust ANYONE. And these are just two examples of the MANY times I have suddenly been abandoned, beytayed, or used by men throughout my life for no apparent reason. I’ve finally learned not to let myself have feelings for any  man because the chances are high that he will suddenly walk away from me without warning and for no reason. 

Sie ist also in der „Fuckzone“ gelandet und anscheinend hatten die meisten Männer kein Interesse an einem Mehr über Sex hinaus, allenfalls waren sie bereit so viel Arbeit in die Sache zu stecken, dass sie Sex bekommen. Sie hingegen dachte tatsächlich, dass die Männer ihre Freunde sind, was für ein erhebliches Maß an Selbstüberschätzung spricht.

Ich schrieb in dem Fuckzone Artikel:

Wer zu häufig in der Fuckzone landet, der sollte gerade als Frau die Auswahl seiner Männer beachten: Es spricht dann einiges dafür, dass die jeweilige Frau zu hoch rangeht oder zu nervig ist für die Klasse der Männer, die sie auswählt. Wenn man gut aussieht, dann ist es eben ein Persönlichkeitsproblem, also quasi im Komfortbereich zu verorten.

Hier spricht vieles dafür, dass sie okay aussieht, aber relativ verrückt ist, also ein Persönlichkeitsproblem.

Interessanterweise hat sie einen weiteren Artikel geschrieben, der das ganz gut erläutert: „Hört auf Frauen als Psychos zu labeln“ (sic!)

Frankly, I’m tired of myself and women in general being labeled as “psycho” or “crazy” by men whenever we get upset about something or voice our opinion on something. In my own experiences, I can’t really do or say ANYTHING without being labeled as “crazy” by the men-folk. I’ll give you some examples: I’ve had a few men cheat on me, lie to me repeatedly, or do other unbecoming things that have hurt me in some way. And I cannot feel upset about these things and call them out on their behavior without being labeled as “psycho”. Now I’m not saying that I go overboard by doing things such as hitting them or damaging their property or causing a scene in front of other people. I simply raise my voice to them and let them know in clear terms that what they did was disgusting and wrong. And apparently that alone is enough to earn me the label of “psycho”

Es geht weiter damit, dass sie einfach eine Frau ist, die ihre Meinung sagt und das würde bereits ausreichen. Meiner Erfahrung nach spricht vieles dafür, dass jemand, der im direkten Kontakt immer wieder als Psycho bezeichnet wird, auch tatsächlich einer ist.

Dass dürfte – unter Mißachtung des Grundsatzes „Never stick your dick in crazy“ – der Grund sein, warum Männer sie nur benutzen und das wiederum ist der Grund ihrer Verbitterung, die dann wieder zu Hass führt. Sie scheint leider nicht in der Lage zu sein, ihre Wirkung auf Menschen und gerade das andere Geschlecht realistisch einzuschätzen – was nicht selten der Grund sein dürfte einen radikalen Hass auf das andere Geschlecht zu entwickeln. Genug Männern wird es ähnlich gegangen sein, ihre Auffassung ist dann meist statt „Männer wollen mich nur für Sex“ eher „Frauen wollen nur das Geld“