Wie Antidiskriminierungsgesetze für britische Frauenhäuser problematisch werden

Ein interessanter Artikel dazu, dass Gesetzesänderungen, die Geschlechterneutralität vorsehen, zu Ärger für Feministinnen führen:

Many charities have been told that they must extend their counselling and outreach services to men because of new equality laws which require local authorities to ensure that services do not discriminate on grounds of sex.
Fiona Mactaggart, the former Home Office minister, said an „unintended consequence“ of the law has meant some domestic violence services have lost grants or contracts for refusing to do so.
She said: „There are some local authorities who interpret equalities to mean that a refuge has to provide for men, not only for women.
„There are some stupidnesses developing in the system that nobody intended.“
Women’s Aid, the domestic violence charity, believes its female-only services are necessary to give abused women the reassurance they need. Often the women and children they help will only feel comfortable without a male presence.
Nicola Harwin, chief executive of Women’s Aid, which counts the Prime Minister’s wife Sarah Brown among its patrons, said the charity is still allowed to exclude men from refuges.

However, when council contracts came up for tender, many branches are being told that they must provide services such as advice and counselling to men or lose their funding.

Miss Harwin said: „Women do appreciate being engaged in women-only organisations. When you have been disempowered and had no control of your life it’s important for a lot of women to see that this is an organisation run by women for women.“

The new Gender Equality Duty, created under The Equality Act 2006, requires that ‚public bodies must promote and take action to bring about gender equality, which involves: looking at issues for men and women‘.

However, a spokesman for the Government Equalities Office said some councils were being overzealous about the duty, adding: „This cannot be an excuse for cutting services. This interpretation of the duty is law.“

Das ist ein Effekt, der glaube ich durchaus noch häufig zum tragen kommt: Feministinnen bedenken nicht, dass viele Antidiskriminierungsgesetze wegen ihrer geschlechterneutralen Formulierung den feministischen Grundsatz, dass Männer nicht diskriminiert werden können, mißachten und damit auch Privilegien von Frauen kippen können.

Es ist sowieso die Frage, warum man geschlechtergetrennte Häuser benötigt, wenn man dort Opfer von Gewalt aufnimmt. Der geschlagene Mann wird nicht gegen geschlagene Frauen gewalttätig werden.