Warum wird Gender Studies von einem Geschlecht beherrscht?

Ein männlicher Absolvent der „Gender Studies“ beklagt die Einseitigkeit der Gender Studies: (gefunden über mindph)

The lack of men in this discourse is ludicrous, not merely because of the lack of a very essential voice in research but because it also undermines the academic side. How is it possible to formulate a theory without reinforcement or criticism from colleagues in the field?

During my studies in the program, I found myself listening to the discourse and not being able to believe my ears.

The absence of males in so conspicuous a manner – and perhaps their exclusion is intentional – from the academic gender discourse, makes it monotonous. The accepted wisdom is that in the past men repressed women and that they continue to do so today, because every man has the potential to act violently.

Bad women? Violent women? Abusive women? Merely vulgar women? There is no such animal. At least not in feminist research.

Not that there is not a grain, or perhaps more, of truth in some of these claims. But the way in which the issues are presented and the extent of internal conviction about their truth repress any other form of thought.

To my regret, the gender studies program lacks all self-criticism, giving students a narrow view of the world. This approach allows female lecturers and students in the program to „feel at home“ and to turn the academic world into another arm for their activity.

However it puts them in a very dangerous spot from the academic point of view, that of absolute certitude. It is from places where absolute justice and uniform ideas reigned that hatred and wars have broken out.

The heads of the gender studies program would do well to understand that the integration of men into the program as teachers, researchers, colleagues and students would be the right thing for the program itself, and even more so for Israeli society at large. It would be wise on their part to once again stick to academic fundamentals and to encourage continual criticism of research studies and ideas.

Without a substantive change, the program will be detached from reality, turn into an academic problem child and often be simply boring. And until such a time as they decide to do change course, it would be appropriate for them to change the program’s name to „women’s studies“ or „feminist studies“ – a name that better fits the current academic reality.

Die „kritische Wissenschaft“ ist eben in der Hinsicht nicht kritisch, sondern eher reine Ideologie, allenfalls eine Glaubenswissenschaft, bei der gewisse Axiome nicht angetastet werden dürfen.

Das war hier schon häufiger Thema:

Das er als Student der Gender Studies meint, dass man nur etwas kritischere Perspektive braucht ist schon erstaunlich, aber vielleicht hat er es auch bewußt vorsichtig studiert. Immerhin benennt er am Ende deutlich, dass es dort keine Kritik gibt und das es auch keine „women Studies“ sind, sondern eben Feminist Studies.

In der feministischen Theorie ist allerdings kein Platz für andere Meinungen. Das würde bedeuten, diesen Raum zu geben und damit Macht abzugeben. Der Feminismus ist eben ein Nullsummenspiel, in dem alles sozial konstruiert ist. Gegenargumente können da nur zu mehr Diskriminierung führen.