Die allermeisten Frauen sind lieber Frauen als Männer

Eine interessante Umfrage dazu, wie wohl sich Frauen in ihrer Rolle fühlen:

Almost nine out of 10 women would rather be a woman than a man today, compared with just over half in 1947, a Radio 4 Woman’s Hour poll suggests.

The poll to mark the programme’s 70th anniversary also suggests women in 2016 are more positive about marriage.

Just over two in five (42%) said that men and women gave up equal amounts of freedom in marriage.

Only a quarter of men and women who had taken part in a 1951 survey had felt that way.

Pollsters, who spoke to 1,004 women of all ages, looked at their lives and changing attitudes, covering marriage, money, sex, family, work and appearance. Here are the results:

Erstaunlich, dass sie ihre eigene Unterdrückung gar nicht wahrnehmen. Schließlich sind Männer das privilegierte Geschlecht und Frauen das diskriminierte.

20 Gedanken zu “Die allermeisten Frauen sind lieber Frauen als Männer

  1. Wenn Frauen nicht das machen oder wollen was sie nach der Meinung von Feministinnen wollen sollen, dann ist das ein klarer Fall von intetnalisiertem Frauenhass.

  2. Da sind einige Kopfschüttler in dem Artikel.

    z.B. „Asked why they chose to work, more than half of women aged between 18 and 64 said the top reason was self-respect, followed by money and then colleagues and the work environment.“

    Wieviele wohl die eigentliche Arbeit mögen oder wichtig finden?


    „Just over two in five (42%) said that men and women gave up equal amounts of freedom in marriage.
    Only a quarter of men and women who had taken part in a 1951 survey had felt that way.
    Pollsters, who spoke to 1,004 women of all ages, looked at their lives and changing attitudes, covering marriage, money, sex, family, work and appearance. “

    Männer werden heute gar nicht mehr gefragt?


    „Of the women surveyed, 87% said they would stick with their husbands. (…)
    One in 10 women would marry someone different, according to the Woman’s Hour poll.“

    In UK werden 42% der Ehen geschieden, davon 2/3 auf Antrag der Frau


    „The biggest worriers were the 25-34 age group, (…)
    They were least likely to consider themselves happier than their mothers at their age (27%, compared to 43% of those over 65).“

    Fairerweise kann man das nicht nur dem Feminismus in die Schuhe schieben.

    • The biggest worriers were the 25-34 age group, who were the most likely to worry „a lot“ about their health and family and friends‘ health (68%), having enough money in old age (53%) and making ends meet (51%).
      They were least likely to consider themselves happier than their mothers at their age (27%, compared to 43% of those over 65).

      Bedeutet das nicht, dass diese Mütter es schon so gut hatten, wie sie es heute haben? (cf E. Vilar)

      (Worriers) – Pessimisus ist üblicherweise grösser bei jungen Menschen. Außerdem ist das neue Rollenbild (von Mann und Frau) nun einmal sehr ambivalent. Wer sich für (a) entscheidet muss auf (b) verzichten. Das ist bedrohlich und schwierig.Ungewiss die Zukunft ist.

      Und wenn man alt ist, weiß man genau was man hat oder eben nicht hat. Pessimist muss man heute sein angesichts der Demographie und der Endlichkeit der Ressourcen, des begrenzten Wachstums und der psychopathischen Geldwirtschaft.

      • „Und wenn man alt ist, weiß man genau was man hat oder eben nicht hat.“

        Ach, weißt Du, wenn man alt ist, hat man Kinder oder Enkel, um die man sich sorgen darf.
        Gut, ich bin aus meiner Sicht noch nicht alt, aber eine Verbesserung kann ich noch nicht feststellen, nur ne Änderung der Perspektive

    • Bezeichnend ist doch, dass sie es nicht fürs Überleben tun. Genau wie im Krieg tun meist die Männer das Nötige fürs Überleben.

      Cassie Jaye (The Red Pill): Definitely financial issues. I was at a time where I was still getting assistance from my stepdad for certain bills, and realizing that if I were his son, I don’t think he’d be letting me coast this long. My first car was paid for by my stepdad. My boyfriend has a sister, and his sister got a car but he had to work to get his. (von Arne zitiert)

  3. 9 von 10 Frauen würden lieber Frauen als Männer sein? Unglaublich, wie sehr das Patriarchat internalisiert ist. Da wartet noch viel Arbeit auf die Feministinnen…

  4. No police reports. No verifiable evidence to back up the claim. No testimonies from reliable witnesses or Jackie’s friends, and no statements from the accused assaulters. Just a handful of scathing indictments against a 22,000-student university, a slew of straw man arguments and single-source claims, and the resulting piece of trash “journalism” that sported more holes than a block of rotting Swiss cheese.

    And at the tragic end of it all, a dean of students with a smeared reputation, a bunch of college guys with debunked-but-ever-present accusations hanging over their heads, and a school now labeled a haven for rapists.

    Perhaps most shockingly, Garber-Paul somehow thinks the whole debacle was “traumatic” – for her.

    “When we went to print, I believed it all to be true,” Garber-Paul told the court. “To have that all fall apart, that was incredibly traumatic for me.”

    Traumatic. For her.


    But what about those whose reputations have been dragged through the mud by Rolling Stone’s libelous “report”? Nicole Eramo, UVA’s former dean of students, is fighting for damages in court right now after she received hundreds of defaming emails and letters calling her a “rape apologist” and a “disgusting, worthless piece of trash” following the article’s publication. While the magazine may have retracted its story, who repairs the damage done?

    The answer: no one. And the reason? Because this is the society we created.

    It’s the society that demonizes a man for simply being a man, unless he renounces everything male and begs the Holy Vagina to forgive him his natural trespasses. A guy accused of rape is a villain even when his accuser is proved a flat-out liar, so long as she carts a mattress around campus and voluntarily films her own porno afterward.

    It’s the society in which casual sex is worth the cost of the cheap beer it takes to get you there, and in which a female college student can’t be held accountable for her promiscuity when she’s drunk – but a guy sure as hell can.

    And it’s the society now desperately trying to find the long-erased moral line in the middle of a media-fueled hookup culture, where sex is totally OK until someone arbitrarily decides after the fact that it wasn’t, in which walking around sans clothing is an acceptable way to get attention until you actually get attention (then you’re a victim of rape culture), in which women are somehow simultaneously empowered enough to sleep with whoever they want, but are too weak to be held responsible for it. Women can lie and it’s taken as gospel; after all, men can’t be trusted.

    This society perpetuates stories like the one in Rolling Stone, stories that titillate the senses while fueling this man-hating narrative our culture so craves. There is no room for facts or evidence here; fingers pointed in abject judgment at the elusive “male patriarchy” will do just fine, thank you.


    Feminism is for equality! Listen and shut the fuck up believe!

    Die arme Autorin! Bitte einmal alle eine Runde Mitleid für das Trauma das sie nun hat, da ihre Lügen aufgeflogen sind. Es ist so ungerecht das Handlungen auch Konsequenzen haben… für Frauen.

  5. „Almost nine out of 10 women would rather be a woman than a man today, compared with just over half in 1947, a Radio 4 Woman’s Hour poll suggests.“

    1947 war die Frage Einladung zu einem bloßen Gedankenspiel, 2016 wird zumindest ein Teil der Antwortenden bestätigt haben, sich als cis-gender zu verstehen, probably.

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