Die Herrschaft der Bienenköniginnen

Ein Artikel zu weiblichen „Königsbienen“:

Having spent decades working in psychology, a field heavily populated by highly competitive women, I had certainly seen the queen bee before: The female boss who not only has zero interest in fostering the careers of women who aim to follow in her footsteps, but who might even actively attempt to cut them off at the pass.

Es geht also um Frauen, die als Chefinnen nicht nett sind und Machtspielchen spielen.

This generation of queen bees is no less determined to secure their hard-won places as alpha females. Far from nurturing the growth of younger female talent, they push aside possible competitors by chipping away at their self-confidence or undermining their professional standing. It is a trend thick with irony: The very women who have complained for decades about unequal treatment now perpetuate many of the same problems by turning on their own.

Biologishc betrachtet wäre es wenig verwunderlich, wenn Frauen egoistischen Zielen folgen und dabei nicht unbedingt auf Gruppeninteressen der Frauen rücksicht nehmen.

Hier etwas zu den Folgen:

A 2007 survey of 1,000 American workers released by the San Francisco-based Employment Law Alliance found that 45% of respondents had been bullied at the office—verbal abuse, job sabotage, misuse of authority, deliberate destruction of relationships—and that 40% of the reported bullies were women. In 2010, the Workplace Bullying Institute, a national education and advocacy group, reported that female bullies directed their hostilities toward other women 80% of the time—up 9% since 2007. Male bullies, by contrast, were generally equal-opportunity tormentors.

A 2011 survey of 1,000 working women by the American Management Association found that 95% of them believed they were undermined by another woman at some point in their careers. According to a 2008 University of Toronto study of nearly 1,800 U.S. employees, women working under female supervisors reported more symptoms of physical and psychological stress than did those working under male supervisors.

Also wären Frauen danach insbesondere gemein zu anderen Frauen, wären Männer da weniger nach Geschlecht differenzieren.

As the old male-dominated workplace has been transformed, many have hoped that the rise of female leaders would create a softer, gentler kind of office, based on communication, team building and personal development. But instead, some women are finding their professional lives dominated by high school „mean girls“ all grown up: women with something to prove and a precarious sense of security.

What makes these queen bees so effective and aggravating is that they are able to exploit female vulnerabilities that men may not see, using tactics that their male counterparts might never even notice. Like Jane’s gossiping about Erin’s personal life. Or when Kelly’s boss would comment on her outfit: „Who are you trying to impress today?“ Or not-so-gently condescend: „Did you take your smart pill today, sweetie?“ Their assaults harm careers and leave no fingerprints.

Auch beim fies sein gäbe es demnach Geschlechterunterschiede: Frauen mögen es eher persönliche.

Es geht allerdings auch anders herum:

It cuts both ways, though: Women aren’t always the best employees to other women either. Female subordinates can show less respect and deference to female bosses than to their male bosses.

A 2007 Syracuse University study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology found that both men and women were less satisfied with female managers who were not empathetic. In my experience, women also tend to resent female bosses who adopt a brusque and assertive management style, even as they find it perfectly acceptable for male bosses. And so they question and push back, answering authority with attitude.

Hier kommt wohl eine „Wer denkt sie eigentlich, wer sie ist?“ Vielleicht auch eine Folge davon, dass Frauengruppen üblicherweise eher auf Gleichheit ausgerichtet sind und weniger hierarchielastig sind.