Philip Davies MP: Der Justiz Gender Gap

Aus der Videobeschreibung:

Philip Davies was first elected an MP (C, Shipley) in 2005. He has since become the only MP (out of 650) to speak out on men’s and boys‘ issues.

In the autumn of 2015 his attempt to host the first debate on men’s issues was almost thwarted by a particularly odious feminist MP, Jess Phillips, who’d been selected from an all-women prospective parliamentary candidate shortlist:

The debate on International Men’s Day, 2015:

siehe auch: Britischer Abgeordneter Philip Davies und seine Kritik am Feminismus

Britischer Abgeordneter Philip Davies und seine Kritik am Feminismus

Er britische Abgeordnete Philip Davies hat auf einer Veranstaltung für Männer und Jungenrechte wohl einiges über den Feminismus gesagt, worüber sich jetzt erheblich aufgeregt wird.

Aus dem Express:

Philip Davies slated the quest for “so-called equality” and blasted “politically-correct males who pander to this nonsense” in a speech at an event organised by the Justice for Men and Boys party (J4MB).

In the 45-minute talk at the International Conference on Men’s Issues, the Shipley MP said: “There seems to be a deafening silence on all the benefits women have compared to men.

“In this day and age the feminist zealots really do want women to have their cake and eat it.“

Wahre und mutige Worte.

They fight for their version of equality on all the things that suit women but are very quick to point out that women need special protections and treatment on other things.”

The controversial J4MB has previously published an article titled “13 reasons women lie about being raped” and doles out awards for “lying feminist of the month” and “whiny feminist of the month”.

And in its 2015 General Election manifesto, it suggested men should receive their pension before women because they “work harder and die younger”

Das klingt alles durchaus interessant. Hat da jemand näheres zu?

Davies, a 44-year-old divorcee, added: “I think the problem is being stirred up by those who could be described as militant feminists and the politically correct males who pander to this nonsense.

“This has led to an equality-but-only-when-it-suits agenda.

The drive for women to have so-called equality on all the things that suit the politically correct agenda but not other things that don’t is of increasing concern.”

Das solche Aussagen aufschrecken, gerade von einem Abgeordneten, kann ich verstehen. Feministinnen sollen schon seinen Rückzug gefordert habe.

Now Theresa May has come under pressure to suspend Mr Davies.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn branded his comments “deeply sexist” and they “show utter contempt for women” before calling on the Prime Minister to suspend him from the Conservative party

And shadow secretary for women and equalities, Angela Rayner, said: “Theresa May should withdraw the Tory whip from Mr Davies…while an investigation is carried out.

“He has open contempt for women. His views are so out-dated they are prehistoric.”

Pro-Brexit backbencher Davies has appeared alongside prominent anti-feminist bloggers.

He has shared platforms with Herbert Purdy, who has allegedly likened activist Malala Yousefzai, who the Taliban attempted to shoot dead, to terrorist Osama Bin Laden.

Mr Davies told the Guardian he did not subscribe to what J4MB stood for, adding: “I don’t think any of my colleagues will ever feel threatened by the political party concerned.”

So viel erfährt man über seine genau Position nicht. Aber ein paar Politiker, die einmal vor größerer Bühne oer mit mehr potentieller Aufmerksamkeit an ein paar Tabus rütteln, finde ich schon einmal sehr interessant.