Männliche Sexualität, nackte Haut und Feminismus

Lucien Maverick bringt in dem Blogbeitrag „Modern Feminism is a Joke! (Part IV)“ ein paar interessante Punkte zu männlicher Sexualität und Feminismus:

She also have videos showing how clothing ads are a way for men to have their sexist desires be shown on television. I have a question for you, FF, does the fact that men are attracted to women just bug you? For real, she has a problem with any outfit or anything that shows that men are attracted to women. Anything even slightly sexual is something that we have to fight against. (…) I would have a modicum of respect for FF if it weren’t for the fact that her and all those like her seem to feel the need to make personal discomfort into some massive conspiracy against women. Not to mention, biology, bitch! Yes, we have ads that display women being sexual. Yes, there is porn. Yes, we have clothing in the world that shows women’s features. I hate to break it to you, but men have been into women for a long time. Men like boobs. Sorry, but no amount of old-Irish Catholic clothing is going to stop men from liking boobs. Your refusal to understand this is interesting. So is Rebecca Watson’s, so is Eve Bit First’s. All of these women seem to not understand that the liking of boobies is perfectly natural. (…) Question – how should men act around women who they are sexually interested in? Do men just NEVER bring it up? Do we just pretend that things that naturally evolved to evoke a sexual response don’t exist? The fact that women have breasts all the time, not just when they are nursing young evolved directly for the purpose of engaging the sexual desires of men.

Ich sehe auch wenig Sinn darin, meine Sexualität in diesem  Punkt zu leugnen oder zu verbergen und mir scheint ebenfalls die in vielen Teilen des  Feminismus dazu herrschende Meinung relativ männerfeindlich. Zu den sexnegativen Elementen in großen Teilen des Feminismus hatte ich ja hier auch schon das ein oder andere geschrieben:

Der Feminismus sollte sich ein entspannteres Verhältnis dazu zulegen, dass heterosexuelle Männer sich gern Frauen anschauen. Die Überfrachtung durch „Frauen werden zu Objekten reduziert“ (vgl auch hier) und „Mit solchen Darstellungen soll das Patriarchat gefestigt und Frauen unterdrückt werden“ ist meiner Meinung nach nicht haltbar.