Lebenserwartung Männer Frauen

Anhand eines Artikels über die Lebenserwartung im Verhältnis zum Einkommen fiel mir auf, dass wir hier die unterschiedliche Lebenserwartung von Männern und Frauen hier noch gar nicht in einem eigenen Artikel besprochen haben.

Hier eine Tabelle dazu:

Die Wikipedia zur Lebenserwartung:

Die – heutzutage – im Vergleich zu Frauen niedrigere durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung der Männer wird auf gleiche Art durch die risikobehaftetere Lebensweise der jungen Männer während der Adoleszenz beeinflusst. So sterben viel mehr junge Männer als Frauen im Alter zwischen 16 und 25 Jahren durch Verkehrsunfälle und andere Risikofaktoren dieser Altersgruppe, was sich auf die statistische Gesamtlebenserwartung auswirkt. Männer bis 65 Jahre sterben 3,6 Mal so häufig an Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen wie Frauen. Gerade in den mittleren Jahren, also bis etwa 65 Jahre, versterben nahezu doppelt so viele Männer wie Frauen.

Bzw. aus der englischen Wikipedia:

Women tend to have a lower mortality rate at every age. In the womb, male fetuses have a higher mortality rate (babies are conceived in a ratio estimated to be from 107 to 170 males to 100 females, but the ratio at birth in the United States is only 105 males to 100 females).[42] Among the smallest premature babies (those under 2 pounds or 900 g) females again have a higher survival rate. At the other extreme, about 90% of individuals aged 110 are female. The difference in life expectancy between men and women in the United States dropped from 7.8 years in 1979 to 5.3 years in 2005, with women expected to live to age 80.1 in 2005.[43]

In the past, mortality rates for females in child-bearing age groups were higher than for males at the same age. This is no longer the case, and female human life expectancy is considerably higher than that of men. The reasons for this are not entirely certain. Traditional arguments tend to favor socio-environmental factors: historically, men have generally consumed more tobacco, alcohol and drugs than females in most societies, and are more likely to die from many associated diseases such as lung cancer, tuberculosis and cirrhosis of the liver.[44] Men are also more likely to die from injuries, whether unintentional (such as car accidents) or intentional (suicide, violence, war).[44] A 2005 study found that the level of patriarchy predicts men’s mortality rates. High levels of patriarchy were associated with high levels of male mortality; low levels of patriarchy were correlated with low mortality levels. The researchers argue that while patriarchy grants men certain privileges over women, it also promotes gender stereotypes which harm men.[45] Men are also more likely to die from most of the leading causes of death (some already stated above) than women. Some of these in the United States include: cancer of the respiratory system, motor vehicle accidents, suicide, cirrhosis of the liver, emphysema, and coronary heart disease.[7] These far outweigh the female mortality rate from breast cancer and cervical cancer etc.

Some argue that shorter male life expectancy is merely another manifestation of the general rule, seen in all mammal species, that larger individuals tend on average to have shorter lives.[46][47] This biological difference occurs because women have more resistance to infections and degenerative diseases.[7]

In her extensive review of the existing literature, Kalben concluded that the fact that women live longer than men was observed at least as far back as 1750 and that, with relatively equal treatment, today males in all parts of the world experience greater mortality than females. Of 72 selected causes of death, only 6 yielded greater female than male age-adjusted death rates in 1998 in the United States. With the exception of birds, for almost all of the animal species studied, the males have higher mortality than the females. Evidence suggests that the sex mortality differential in humans is due to both biological/genetic and environmental/behavioral risk and protective factors.[48]