Der Foto Gender Gap: warum Frauen keine Fotos von sich haben und daran die Männer schuld sind

Petapixel, eine der größten Seiten für Fotografie, berichtet über negative Ereignisse bei Familienfotos und eine Fotografin meldet sich zu Wort:

“I’m a photographer and I cannot express to you guys enough how many men show up to photoshoots throwing a fit because they have to be there,” @hannahholpay says.

“As a photographer, this is so frustrating because 9 times out of ten, the dads and their bad attitudes are what’s holding us up,” she continues. “If you guys would stop pouting like literal children because you have to take pictures with your wife and family, my job would be done so much faster.”

The family photographer pouts for the camera and says “But because you look like this in every single photo, I have to continue taking photos until I get a halfway decent one of you.”

@hannahholpay continues “And it absolutely drives me insane that these men are complaining because as a mom and a wife and a photographer, I know that this mom booked the shoot because her husband never takes photos of her and never takes photos of her and her kids.”

“So the mum feels guilty looking back at all the photos, realizing that’s she not in any of them, realizing that one day she’s going to die and there’s going to be no good photos of her and her children for them to look back on because you guys can’t get off your freaking video games for 2 seconds to actually try and take a decent photo of her and her kids,” she adds.

The photographer then describes how mothers are left “spending hundreds of dollars to make sure that there’s somewhat, some semblance of memories for her kids to look back on of her so that they can see what she looks like, they can remember what it was like to be with her and you as a dad, you probably get that all the time.”

The TikTok user then says that, unlike women, men have plenty of photos with their kids to look back on as their wives probably take lots of pictures of them.

“People probably take pictures of you and your kids together all the time, your wife probably does that for you all of the time and you’re sitting there complaining because you have to spend half an hour to an hour taking photos with the family you created, grow up,” says @hannahholpay.

She then concludes her video, saying “I would rather one million times over do a photo shoot for kids who are screaming and crying because they didn’t sleep well the night before than I would rather do a photo shoot with a dude who has got a sh*t attitude.”

Di das die Mutter keine Fotos haben kann ich mir eigentlich nicht vorstellen. Ein Selfie ist ja schnell gemacht, auch mit Kind.

Das sie da verzweifelt zu einem Fotografen rennen müssen damit die Kinder nach ihren Tod überhaupt was zum erinnern haben…. Etwas überdramatisch.

Ich kann natürlich verstehen, dass die Fotografin keinen Bock auf Personen hat, die ihr das Leben erschweren. Aber ihre Begründung…

Ich glaube es ist tatsächlich eher ein Wunsch vieler Frauen mal ein „richtig schönes Familienfoto“ zu machen, während viele Männer darin tatsächlich eher eine Zeit und Geldverschwendung sehen und es vielleicht auch deswegen etwas sabotieren. Damit er was für das Büro hat, sie will ja das auch gut aussehen. Damit man es der Oma schenken kann etc.

Es ist vielleicht so ein bisschen was wie Inneneinrichtung, ein Thema, welches ja auch viele Frauen begeistert, während viele Männer das eher praktischer sehen