Jungs werden für das gleiche Verhalten eher bestraft als Mädchen

Ein interessanter Artikel beleuchtet den Umgang mit bestimmten Verhalten bei Jungs und Mädchen:

Men made up 43 percent of the students enrolled in college in 2015, and were awarded 40 percent of bachelor’s degrees, according to federal data cited in a new study that traces the gender gap all the way back to preschool.

The study, done by the American Sociological Association, finds that boys start kindergarten with fewer of the behaviors that teachers want — such as paying attention, controlling emotions and playing nice with others, and that difference partly accounts for higher high school and college completion rates for women.

The study also finds that schools respond more harshly to boy’s transgressions and that difference also contributed to men not getting as far in their educations.

Even when girls and boys had the same behavior problems, girls are more likely to finish high school and college.

Männer gehen also weniger aufs College und machen auch weniger der Abschlüsse. Sie werden härter bestraft und Verhalten sich auch anders. Bei gleichen Verhalten kommen Mädchen aber besser weg.

Jayanti Owens, a sociologist at Brown University, analyzed a national sample of children born in the 1980s who have been followed into adulthood to see if behavior problems linked to lower test scores also predicted how far the students went in school.

She found that the completion rate for high school was 6.5 percentage points lower for men in the study and their enrollment rate in college was about 11 percentage points lower.

How mothers rated their children’s behavior at age 4 and 5 accounted for up to 16 percent of those later gender gaps, relative to other factors such as birth weight, income, presence of a father in the home and education of the mother.

The author notes that the results might not hold for all children, since she chose a sample that was heavy on children born to women in their early to mid-20s, many from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Girls, on average, started out with better social and emotional skills than boys, but that only explained part of the gap. How schools disciplined boys and girls mattered more.

Owens found, to her surprise, that boys were more likely to be suspended, expelled, or held back a year than girls, even when they had the same behavior problems.

Jungs werden also eher stärker für schlechtes Verhalten bestraft als Mädchen, auch wenn im Feminismus ja gerne angenommen wird, dass Mädchen strenger kontrolliert werden oder ihr Verhalten einschränken.