Perforierte Stäbe als häufige Funde aus der Steinzeit: Welche Funktion hatten sie?

Die besprochene Studie:

Evidence for the manufacture and use of fiber technology such as rope and twine is rare in the Paleolithic, despite the widely held view that such artifacts were in regular use during the Pleistocene. On the basis of the discovery of a more than 35,000-year-old perforated baton made from mammoth ivory at Hohle Fels Cave in Ach Valley of southwestern Germany together with experimental studies, we are now able to demonstrate one way people of the early Upper Paleolithic manufactured rope. This work contributes to our understanding of the evolution of technology, cooperative work, and Paleolithic social organization.

Männer, die nicht merken, dass Frauen etwas von ihnen wollen

Auf 9gag erschien dieser Beitrag aus der Serie „Alle lieben Raymond„:

Unter dem Beitrag finden sich eine Vielzahl von Geschichten von Männern, die eine Situation vollkommen falsch eingeschätzt haben:

Once I got invited by a girl to help her with some moving stuff.
When I got there, she informed me that it was already done and that I could stay for some food.
First I was annoyed that I came all the way (20 minutes) there for nothing.
But then food, I was like ok.
Then she offered some drinks to go with the food.
She was „““tipsy“““ after 3 beers and became frisky.
Then asked me to spend the night because she was tired after moving.
I said no, I agreed to play some online games with the boys.
Got some nice loot during the game.
But I got the feeling I missed something.


I once had a class mate in highschool who’s PC kept crashing and she would always ask me to come and fix it. Her parents worked abroad so no one was home. So as a teenager a went there, fixed her PC everytime and went home as the Lord intended.


 We were out drinking with a group of people, both guys and girls, and there was one girl who really liked my friend. We told him we thought she was into him. At one point, the girl said she was leaving, so we suggested to our friend that he should walk her home. We even hinted that she might invite him up. My friend asked, „But what if she doesn’t invite me up?“ We told him, „Then just say you’re thirsty and ask if you can come up for a drink.“ He responded, „But what if I’m not thirsty?“


I was at the house party, having good time, drink decent amount of alcohol and we stated to play Pictionary. I played in pair with one girl and I was so bad at it because I was drunk. But she didnt mind it, she was close to me, very touchy, I liked her but deep down I thought that she is maybe just too friendly. After we finish the game, it was late and we went for bed. My frend saw that that girl is into me and give me own room. I went to the room and she askes me if I want to share bed with her so she wont sleep on couch in living room.

I said, „nah, I’m fine“ and went for the bed without realizing she is into me. She was so sad. And I realize that next day and I missed my chance that night.


I once worked in a vhs/dvd renting store, local none branded. and i was the under 18 and she was the over 18 worker. one day after a saturday shift she told me, that she had picked up Boondock saints on vhs, and wanted me to come home with her. we watched it in her bed, her parents not being home and all. and when it ended. i went home…Sigrid – im sorry!!


One time a girl invited herself to my place saying something like „I just want to see your room because you can tell a lot about a person just by looking at their room“ and I remembered my room wasn’t tidy that day so I made up an excuse and declined. Then later while thinking about it I realized my mistake and I started laughing at my own stupidity. I am indeed a dummy.


one night while drinking with friends, i was having the time of my life when this girl asked to me to walk her to her apartment because she forgot something. when we arrived I was sweating like a pig because it was a rather hot night, she asked me to come with her inside because she’s scared, I declined because I thought it was cooler outside than inside, she asked again and said she was alone, I declined again with the same reason. I told her to hurry up because I wanted to get back to the group. i woke up in the middle of the night 5 years later, hindsight is 20/20.


This one time when i was in the student dorms with 3 other guys this guys starts laughing and says: „guys you won’t believe this but this stupid chick asked me to come to her place to help her install winamp on her pc. Damn she hella stupid, i told her to click next 4 times and it’s done“. We stared at him and he was like „what?“ face. We called him winamp after that for the rest of the year. If memory serves me right he did try to message her fast again but can’t recall what happened. I have to agree with most here though,


My now wife invited me to cinema to see AntMan, she was a work colleague. I assumed that it was a group activity. When I arrived it was just us, but she was really stiff (retrospectively nervous) I thought „everyone cancelled and she is stiff cause she didn’t want to be just us, this is violent “ so I was distant.
I didn’t joint the dots until 4 months later she get handsy in the job christmas dinner.


I used to work for a hotel. We had a female guest whos a regular, total babe, mid 30s brunette. For some reason her key card was always not working and i would always have to come and open the door for her. One time she asked me what time is check out even though she’s been there a hundred times. Then day she upped the tempo and called for lamp that is not working. I came up with a spare bulb and when she opened the door, she was only wearing an oversized shirt. So i thought maybe it was just the way she went to bed and proceeded to replace the bulb. When I unscrewed the hulb, lo and behold, there was a piece of paper in the bulb socket. I promptly removed the paper and replaced the bulb and it worked. I they said maybe the previous guest was a prankster and said goodnight then left. That was the last time she checked in our hotel. To this day i kick myself in the face for being naive.

Ich habe auch ein paar Geschichten davon.

  • Eine Freundin, die ein recht triviales Problem an ihrem Computer behoben haben wollte und mich fragte, ob ich ihr da helfen könne. Ich habe noch einen gemeinsamen Freund mitgenommen, der auch etwas von Computern verstand
  • Ein frühere Mitschülerin die an der gleichen Uni studierte und ein Semester über mir war (dank Bundeswehr), aber mich wiederholt fragte, ob ich ihr bei ein paar Problemen aus dem Studium helfen konnte (was ich gerne tat aber mir nichts dabei dachte)
  • etc

Fiel mir auch alles wesentlich später auf und man ärgert sich über sich selbst, dass man das nicht bemerkt hat.

Sich für so etwas zu sensibilisieren ist viel wert. Es gilt die alte Weisheit, dass bei einer Frau, die ich gerade alleine Zeit mit einem verbringen will, die Möglichkeit besteht, dass sie was von einem will. Entsprechend sollte man dann, wenn man selbst Interesse hat, agieren und gegebenenfalls in die nächste Phase übergehen.

Es ist glaube ich auch einer der Gründe, warum viele Frauen erfahrenere flirte mögen: sie können subtil sein und etwas ganz harmloses machen, Sie mit einem vorgeschobenen Grund einladen, der genug „plausible Deniability“ hat, und Männer verstehen, das ist dann an ihnen ist entsprechend zu handeln. Natürlich ist es nicht unbedingt fair, denn die Frauen könnten wir einfach selbst handeln und deutlicher werden aber so spielen ist viele Frauen eben am liebsten.