„Wäre es gut oder schlecht, wenn dein Partner nach dem du abgenommen hast netter zu dir wäre?“


Lenny Kravitz und sexuelle Gewalt gegen Jungen in seiner Biographie

Lenny Kravitz berichtet über sexuelle Belästigungen als Junge:

The rocker, 60, previously wrote in his autobiography Let Love Rule how he was targeted by a female in his early teens, and has now said he was a virgin when she decided he was so „cute“ she wanted to „give him some“.

In an interview published in the Guardian yesterday, when asked if the unnamed woman had sex with him, he said: „No. She began and I stopped her. I had a girlfriend.

„She thought it was comical – ‚You have a girlfriend?!'“

Das ist schon insofern interessant, weil es ja diverse feministische Theorien gibt, warum Männer eher ablassen, wenn man sagt, dass man einen Freund hat. zB „Die Meinung der Frauen ist ihnen egal, aber sie respektieren den Besitz des anderen Mannes“ etc.

Lenny’s profile in The Guardian said he nodded when asked if he was a virgin at the time.

But he played down the abuse he suffered in the piece, saying any youth would have jumped at the chance to get intimate with an older woman.

He said: „Yes, she did do that, but that wasn’t… in today’s world, yes, that was abuse and assault.

„It was this chick who saw this young teenager and thought I was cute and I’m going to give him some.

„Any young boy would have taken that opportunity and enjoyed the hell out of it.“

Lenny’s interview said he did not „answer directly“ when asked if he had talked to his 35-year-old actress daughter Zoë Kravitz about the abuse.

Fehlt etwas zum Alter der Frau. Aber early Teens klingt natürlich sehr jung.

Wäre interessant da noch etwas darüber zu lesen, warum er sich anders verhalten hat als „any young boy“. War er nur schüchtern und überrascht oder fand er es unheimlich oder aus anderen Gründen?